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Quote of the day
1.Maximum silence shall be observed in the library at all times.
2. Bags, briefcases, and containers should be kept in the bag section.
3. Smoking and or consumption of food and drinks is forbidden in the Library.
4. Phone calls are prohibited in the library and they must be put in silent mode.
5. Playing music, and related acts that disrupt others are prohibited in the library.
6. All users must always present their belongings (such as books, folders/box files, etc.) for checkup when leaving the library.
7. Theft in the library is highly forbidden.
8. Weapons are not allowed in the library.
9. Damaging Library items and resources such as (Books, computers, and furniture) calls for a serious penalty to replace the items and resources.
10. The Library furniture such as chairs should be placed in their respective position after use, and please keep the library clean.
11. Books from the open-access section consulted within the Library should be left on the tables after use (please do not re-shelve).
12. Reference books (such as Dictionaries and Encyclopedias) should be used within the Library.
13. Patrons should comply with the relevant legislation on copyright, data protection, and privacy when using information from the library.
These rules and regulations are implemented by the library staff on duty.
These rules and regulations apply uniformly to all patrons.
The rules and regulations are subject to revision whether in full or in part at any time.